Meet Tierney Helgesen, HR/Talent Manager at Vantage Point!

Fun Facts:
- My first plane ride was a one-way flight to Japan when I was 8.
- My favorite show to have on repeat is New Girl, and I’ve named both of my pets after characters (Cece & Miller).
- I am a proud aunt of 4 nephews, with two more on the way.
- I’m an avid Michigan fan; go Blue!
What is your favorite part of working for Vantage Point, and why?
The tight-knit group of people who genuinely love what they do and who they work with is the best! Our company size allows us to easily stay connected even though most of us are separated by hundreds if not thousands of miles.
How did you get to Vantage Point?
I knew David, our CEO in High School. He posted the role on LinkedIn and I happened to come across it while scrolling, and even though I wasn’t actively applying to jobs at the time, the position really intrigued me. It was a step up in my career as well as a new industry I had yet to be exposed to, two years later and I’m thrilled I made the jump!
If you wrote a memoir, what would you title it and why?
I would title it, The Rest is Still Unwritten. I’m a big proponent of cherishing memories while also having a mindset that the best is yet to come. I’m hopeful I’ll have many years left of material to live if I were to write a memoir in my early 30s.
If you could go back to your first day at Vantage Point, what advice would you give yourself?
Take a deep breath and prepare to be a sponge. There’s always so much to learn when you start a new job anywhere, but even more so when you move into a new industry. I was nervous that I didn’t have what it would take to be successful recruiting in this ecosystem but I just needed to focus on learning as much as I could while combining that new knowledge with career skills I already had, and the rest fell into place.
What is your typical coffee order, and what do you think it says about you?
I typically only drink hazelnut coffee and I prefer to brew it at home. If I’m ordering from somewhere I typically go for Iced Green Tea. I think it says that I don’t need much caffeine to have the energy and excitement I bring to each day :)
If you could choose any superpower, what would it be and why?
Teleportation, I have so many family members and close friends that live all around the world. I would love to be able to drop in on them whenever I wanted.
What is your most unusual talent?
Wii Bowling. Admittedly, I don’t play as often as I did a decade ago but I have absolutely no athletic ability and people are always shocked at how well I can Wii Bowl.
What would you tell someone considering applying for a job here?
Reach out to me! :) - Starting with the initial phone screen with me through the final interview with our CEO & Founder and our CFO/COO, our goal is to have every interview be more of a conversation than an interrogation. As much as skillset alignment is important, we put just as much emphasis on personality fit and ensuring your career goals align with our company goals. Our team is full of people who want to work here and want to grow here, which has led to our success!
Vantage Point Consulting Contact Information
David Cockrum, Founder/CEO